Surgery Preparation

Prior to Surgery

All inpatient spine or total joint surgery patients are highly encouraged to attend a pre-hospitalization class. This class is complimentary for the patient, and gives us the opportunity to guide you through the surgery process.

Total Joint Replacement Class:

  • To register for the class, please visit our Education page.
  • This virtual class can be accessed from a computer, tablet, or smartphone.

Presenters include: Physical Therapy, Pharmacy, Dietary, Nursing and Discharge Planning.

Testing will be ordered by your physician prior to surgery, if needed.

If you have recent reports of blood work, x-rays or cardiac testing (EKG) from other physician offices, please bring them with you. If you’d like to obtain them, please provide us with the contact information of the office that performed the procedure.

Day of Surgery


  • Take a shower the morning of surgery unless otherwise instructed. You may use deodorant but NO powder, lotion, perfume or aftershave.
  • Bring glasses, hearing aids, dentures and personal toiletries.
  • Bring your primary care physician’s name, your insurance cards, driver’s license, deductibles and co-pays.
  • Call your physician if you develop any symptoms of illness (fever, abrasions, sore throat, rash, etc.) before coming to the hospital for your scheduled surgery.


  • Eat or drink anything after midnight the night before your surgery. This includes water, gum, lozenges and medications (unless otherwise instructed by your physician).
  • Bring any valuable items to the hospital. This includes jewelry and money.

Please be prompt and arrive at the time advised by your surgeon’s office. We will use this time to prepare you for your procedure. If delays in the schedule occur, we will do our best to see that you are made as comfortable as possible while waiting.

Outpatient Surgery (Discharged Home):

  • Wear loose fitting clothing.
  • Make arrangement for an adult to drive you home and stay with you for the first 24 hours after surgery.
  • Your surgeon will provide post-operative instructions regarding your diet, activities and medications.
  • It is normal to feel sleepy and/or dizzy for several hours after your operation. Do not sign important documents, make significant decisions, drive, smoke or consume alcohol for at least 24 hours after your procedure or while taking pain medication.

Inpatient Surgery (Staying Overnight):

  • You may be more comfortable if you bring your own toiletries, robe, slippers, etc.
  • Bring all of your medications in the original prescription container and give them to the preoperative nurse.
  • Contact us for visiting hours.
  • Upon discharge, a responsible adult will need to drive you home.
After surgery, you will be cared for in the Recovery Room and monitored until you are ready for discharge or admittance to our inpatient unit. Although the time varies, most patients are discharged 1 to 2 hours after surgery. A waiting area is provided in close proximity to the surgery area. Please note there is no cafeteria for visitors.

Your Role in Making Health Care Safe:

  • Ask questions and participate in your care.
  • Tell the doctor about medical problems you have. These problems could affect your treatment.
  • If at any time you feel you need anything, contact a staff member for assistance.
  • Speak up! Be a partner in managing your pain.

For questions, call us today at 480-832-4770.